Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Team Member Profile: Glenn A. Hair

Hometown: N. Charleston, SC
Favorite Verse: Jeremiah 32:27
Hobbies: Walking, volunteering, & Twitter/Facebook
Family: 3 beautiful & saved children - April, 32; Justin, 21; & Rebecca, 9
Spiritual strengths: prayer, encouragement, & organization

This will be my 3rd mission trip (all to Brazil). God provided me an opportunity to get involved in missions in 2009 when I was laid off from my accounting job. I had been feeling a desire to do more after Jesus healed me of my alcohol/drug addiction in October of 2006. I knew I needed to do something that would be challenging, stretching & uncomfortable. As I began to search for what that was, my friend Amie Heath approached me about joining her team to Brazil & she can be very persuasive. I had all the usual "excuses" that satan uses to keep us from doing His will like I knew there was no way I could raise that much money, I I don't have time, & I can't speak the language. All of these, of course, proved to be easily overcome because I was doing His will.
After I arrived in Brazil for the first time in March 2010 & found out about the incredible need in the Amazon Basin, I knew I would be doing this for as long as I am able & God is willing. I absolutely fell in love with the people of Brazil. They have so little, but are so very happy, friendly, & lovable. Much to my surprise, I learned that there are 35,000 unreached villages (villages, not people) in the Amazon Basin. I was & am still blown away by this number & the incredible opportunity that it represents. We are blessed to work with whose mission is to plant 100,000 churches, 1,000 by 2014. What an incredible organization & vision! Please join me by praying for our entire team as we head to Brazil March 2, 2012. Please pray for wisdom, discernment, guidance, & protection. We've got a great team & can't wait to get down there & change lives! May God be glorified!