Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday morning started off with an incredible sunrise and a great breakfast. We continued with the work on the church. By this time we had built some incredible relationships with the volunteers from the church and the people of the village. For lunch we had alligator tail. We worked our final day and finished the floor and left the village at about 3pm. We were on an inlet off the Amazon river and it was covered with grass. A little bit about the grass. During the dry season the water level drops about 30 feet. At that point the grass grows and as the water level rises the roots break off and the grass continues to grows. These masses that look like islands, but they aren't, and they move down the river severely impeding transportation. On our way out we had to cut through these masses as the grass is so dense it wraps around the propeller. We went on our way after about an hour and half later. We started on our way home and decided to body surf off the back of the boat. It's actually quite fun, but let's just say I (Mike Savini). didn't pull it off like a pro. Watch in the video as I look happy and then poof, I'm gone. And there I am swimming in the middle of the Amazon as the boat pulls away. They got me in a speedboat and got me back to the boat. The team, the givers they are, laughed and laughed and laughed. So enjoy the quickest body surf ever. (Video coming soon) After that, we headed on our way and had a great trip and a lot of quality time with the team. As you can see below John Tucker can sleep anywhere. His head is resting on a water jug. It was a fantastic way to end the trip and God blessed all of us immensely. We arrived back in Santarem at about 10:30pm in a pouring rain, so we decided just to unload the essentials & return on Saturday morning to unload all the tools, cooking supplies, hammocks, & any other remaining items because we were all slap worn out.

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