We have been back a couple weeks now and just got a beautiful e-mail from the team in Brazil about a laptop that was donated and the difference it is making on the front lines. Just wanted to share that with you all.
Hey, Chuck, and Oliver -- and all who were involved in providing Verena with the laptop J
Verena was ecstatic to receive the fruit of your labors and generosity, and we’re really celebrating at how God is making the impossible possible for her. She is so passionate about her calling to serve the people of the Amazon Basin in dental ministry, yet the financial challenge has seemed insurmountable, and growing. Your laptop was an amazing boost to her, and will make a HUGE difference in her life, saving her time and money, as she won’t have to daily pay for visits to cyber-cafés to get her assignments, and then return home to stay up late hand-writing her assignments. She’s pretty excited, to say the least! Below is a translation of her letter of thanks to you, and below that is her Portuguese original. I’m attaching a couple pictures of her as well, just so you’ll know who you’ve blessed. She’s an absolute fireball, and if you knew her, you’d see a wonderful missionary in the making.
Thanks from us as well,
Betty (and Don, too!)
P.S. Please forward this to any others that need to be thanked.
P.P.S. We were excited to hear today that Verena is submitting a research project that she did with one of her teachers, and if her particular project is chosen, the school will reward her with six months to a year of a 50% scholarship on tuition! Please pray for favor for her, that she would indeed be chosen! She has very few resources otherwise.
Hi, Friends!
I truly want to thank all who contributed with the computer, from the one that helped to clean it off to the one that brought it to Brazil—really, thank you so much. This has made a huge difference in my studies. May God greatly bless each of you, and I really want and hope to see and meet you. Thank you for your confidence in me. I will continue to do my best in my studies. I know that I will be a good dentist, and will fulfill the dreams God has for me. Each one of you is already part of my story, and I believe everything will turn out right. Thank you for your support; you’ve planted in fertile soil, and the Lord will reward you for all this. We live in this world to serve one another with love and work in the kingdom of God. Congratulations, because even without knowing me, you are doing this.
Galatians 6: 9-10
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Thank you so much, may God bless you!
Your sister,
Verena Lima, in three years, Dr. Verena Lima =)